Choosing a career is one of the most important decisions of our educational life. Depending on the degree we choose, we will orient our future work in one way or another.

Although you can always change course, it is natural that doubts arise and that we meditate well on the final decision.
While it is true that many people are clear about their choice from the beginning, others need advice to decide. So if you are part of the second group, do not worry. In this post we will give you some interesting clues.
How to choose?
First of all, decide what you want to prioritize: the vocation or employability. Some people choose a career without thinking about career opportunities.
In this case, the person puts in the foreground their tastes and their personal satisfaction. On the other hand, there are other students who, above all, consider the possibilities of finding a job and getting a good salary in return.
Neither of the two formulas is synonymous with success. It may take you longer to find a job but you end up accessing a job that makes you happy. It is also possible that they hire you right away but you end up failing to be upset.
Thus, the ideal scenario is the balance between vocation and career opportunities. The dilemma is served.
What are the careers with less exits?
According to a study, the careers with the lowest unemployment rate are:
- Industrial Electronics (0%)
- Medicine (0.6%)
- Degree in Aeronautical Engineering (2.8%)
- Computer Engineering (3.8%)
- Telecommunications Engineering (5%)
In the health sector, the professionals with the least unemployment are physicians (0.6%), physiotherapists (5.2%), pharmacy graduates (6.4%) and nurses (8.1%).
In the field of Social Sciences, graduates in Business Administration and Management (4.7%) and in Techniques and Market Research (4.5%) have little unemployment.
The Humanities are the most affected by the demands of the labor market. The high employability of the scientific and technological professions has harmed the students of the arts and thought.
According to the same study, the grades with the highest unemployment rate are the following:
- Fine Arts (40’3%)
- History (38’1%)
- History of Art (36’2%)
- Geography (33.6%)
In spite of everything, if you are clear that you want to dedicate yourself to the Humanities, do not be discouraged. Although the labor market is very competitive, hiring professionals with vocation is a plus for any company.
Qualities that make a difference
When looking for a job, the title is not everything. There are other capabilities that you must develop to ensure success. Nowadays, it is especially important to worry about acquiring:
- Sensemaking: transformation of stimuli into new ideas
- Social intelligence
- Innovative and versatile thinking
- Digital media language
- Transdisciplinarity
- Design mentality
- Multicultural competences
- Computational thinking
- Handling information and data
- Virtual collaboration
With good training and the right advice, the doors of the labor market will also open for you. Do not think about it anymore and choose without fear!