Welcome to this 2019 school year!
If there were once the 10 Commandments of Moses, I would like to invite you for this season to make the 10 Commitments of your Development, both of your change and of your company .
Make your wishes and play your games. Launch the idea and roll the dice!

Make your wishes and play your games
More than a resolution, an “engagement” is defined as an “act by which one is committed to doing something”.
We talk about “contracting a commitment” or “honoring one’s commitments. This is a real commitment contracted with you for your future and not just a vague wish.
However, these are commitments made with yourself and which can also be rolling and fluctuating commitments according to your desires and your needs. We often talk about “commitments” as “SMART ” objectives : Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic and Temporal.
A blank piece of paper and 10 dreams to accomplish
Now take a blank piece of paper and list the 10 things you would dream of accomplishing this new year and try to prioritize in your life as a cape and horizon to reach, both for the company of your life and to get closer to your “dream life”.
Here is a frame for the 10 Commitments of your development towards the success that I propose to you in the company of your life, at the same time in a balanced way, ambitious and appeased:
- 3 firm and priority commitments in SMART mode
- 3 dreams open in the field of possibilities, without limit and without obligation of result
- 3 things to do no more, that you still did the year before (mistakes not to commit anymore or habits to lose)
- 1 bonus in free life mode and pure happiness for you
This list can consist of a quest for meaning, training in new practices, reaching levels of turnover for your company, the signing of new contracts or partnerships, the recruitment or development of new talent, the financial health that you covet , an activity, a sport or an art to master or sublimate.