Everyone nation now, is nearly talking about Chinese top mobile firm Huawei.

This is because of various fears the firm has spread across the globe as it seeks to establish a rulership over Samsung and Apple.
Here are some facts you need to know on why everyone is talking about Huawei
- Huawei, is pronounced as Wah-way, and is based in Chinese city of Shenzhen
- With Samsung topping the deal in sales, Huawei comes second across the globe, Huawei toppled Apple from 2nd position few months ago
- It was founded by Ren Zhengfei, who served as an engineer in the Chinese People’s Liberation Army in the early 1980s – a fact which has worried businesses and governments already distrustful of China’s political leaders.
- There are fears that the firm is being used by Chinese governments to spy on the the rest of the world, therefore creating security breaches in the mobile tech firm.
- They have claimed they are independent and don’t have links with their government. The Chinese People’s Liberation Army is the armed force of the Communist Party of China, which has ruled the People’s Republic of China since 1949.
- Among the top Nations who have had security breach issues with Huawei are UK, Spain and USA.
- In USA, they were accused of other serious allegations such as
bank fraud, obstruction of justice and theft of technology from rival T-Mobile - Huawei also broke a key contract with America, where US President had issued an alert that anyone who trades with Iran cannot trade with USA . It is in record that Huawei has been trading with Iran.
- This followed arrest of Meng Wanzhou, Huawei’s chief financial officer and the daughter of Ren Zhengfei while they were in Canada
- Interestingly Huawei has denied all of the allegations against them. So far no one has been found guilty despite the court proceedings