The lines have existed since time immemorial but remained largely unwritten. However, finally, thanks to Twitter, we know the tricks men use to get women to bed.
What does ‘team mafisi’ refer to in Kenya? Fisi is basically hyena and I am sure everyone knows the wild animal’s traits. Hyenas settle for anything edible whether it’s fresh or decaying. Some men also seem to possess such character where they go after anyone in a skirt.

Team Mafisi is the current sensation in Kenya and every controversial story has seen press releases surface online courtesy of an already self made ‘Mafisi’ sacco. From Bro Ocholla, Dj Creme’s sextape, Mugo Wa Wairimu and Valentine’s day the Mafisi Sacco have been active at cracking ribs of Kenyans online.
We have therefore decided to compile a few lines/quotes men who fall in this kind of category referred as the Team Mafisi use to lure our beloved Kenyan ladies to spread their legs for them. Check them out below and share this article;