Kenyan celebs mothers have been enjoying taking photos with their better look alike celeb daughters.

With a big gap as much as 20 years old, these mothers and daughters have gracefully defied age and stood the test of beauty over ages.
Check them below
1.Esther Passaris and Makena Ngugi
Passaris is aged 54 years while daughter Makena aged just 22 years old.
Makena is a musician while Passaris a politician and current Nairobi women rep

2.Akothee and Rue Baby
Rue is barely 20 years old while her mum looks to be approaching 40.
Both are models and musicians
Rue is currently studying at Strathmore University, Nairobi

3.Margaret Kenyatta and Ngina Kenyatta
At 54 years old, Maggy looks awesome with beauty just like Ngina, at just 25 years old

4.Lupita Nyongó and mother Dorothy
Hollywood actress Lupita with her mother Dorothy who also serves as Kisumu County First Lady
They both slay with their slim and melanin skin

5.Kathy Kiuna and Vanessa, Stephanie
Kathy, way up in her 40s, is lovely mother to Stephanie aged 20 years and Vanessa aged 22 years.
Kathy has been posting age defying photos with lookalike daughters

6.Anerlisa Mungai and Tabitha Karanja
Keroche Breweries founder Tabitha Karanja with daughter and founder of Nero Water firm Tabitha Karanja.
Both looking awesome and beautiful

7.Saumu Mbuvi and mother Primrose
Nairobi County first lady Primrose and Saumu Mbuvi. slaying like sister vs sister though they are parent to daughter

8.June Ruto and mother Rachel Ruto
This photo of Rachel Ruto and June caused a stir on social media, wit the two looking like clear cut sisters.
However they are not.

9.Terryanne Chebet and little daughter

10.Betty Kyallo and her mother