Unlike the childhood thoughts, celebs are just like us, with the only different being the fact that they are extremely good or talented in their area of specialization than most of us.

Other than that, we are all equal.
Recent female celeb revelations have proved that female celebs have been struggling with miscarriages, childlessness and even difficulties in giving birth.
For the record, here are Kenyan celebs who have admitted to having concerns over bearing kids as they struggle to get pregnant of their first borns
Gospel artist and TV host addressed her concern over having no kids despite six years into marriage.

From her interview with NTV host Amona Abdi, it was suggestive that she was struggling with having kids or rather conceiving
“People will have an opinion over everything, over children. Today I saw a comment and deleted it because this guy commented on my Instagram and he says ‘When are you going to get pregnant, you’re getting old’”
“I remember thinking, the reason why it angers me is because people don’t even know what your journey is like. They don’t know what you’re struggling with. They don’t know if you even what to have children. They don’t know if you can have children and there are so many people especially today who are struggling with infertility. It so unfortunate that we become such a culture of being so intrusive and putting people down. Shamming each other on things like that. I would wish that people would be sensitized. I have people who are close to me who might not be at the fore front like I am but who go through that every day.”
During mother’s day celebrations in 2018, she also opened about women in her shoes who were also in pursuit of bearing kids but faced challenges
“I have debated ALL day about whether I should write this post or not Happy Mother’s Day to all of you wonderful moms out there. We love you
. But I’ve been thinking about a special group of women- those with open hearts and empty wombs. Some because of illness, infertility, others miscarriage, and infant loss. Women who, beneath the pomp and flair, secretly dread #mothersday because it is a constant reminder of what they don’t have, what they lost, or what they may never have. Well, I don’t have the luxury of living a “private” life, and have often been the subject of ridicule and mockery for being “childless”. Reminds me of Hannah and Penninah. You see, painful as it was, Hannah needed Penninah to provoke the situation. And God moved to show Himself strong in Hannah’s life. Beloved, I don’t know what category you fall under- the infirm woman, the infertile, the barren, the angel mom (just respond with a
)… what I do know is this: God’s ways are good, and they are perfect. So is His plan for your life. Also, #motherhood is a great calling, but it is not the only one. As you wait on God to fill your nest (however which way He chooses), keep praising Him. With raised hands and an open heart. Happy Mother’s Day to you! I’m praying for you
. From my heart, to yours, K
#2018#ReflectionswithKambua #Mothersday.”
2.Joyce Omondi
Joyce Omondi, gospel artist and Citizen TV host Wahiga Mwaura have been married for more than four years yet they have no kids into marriage.

Normally Kenyan couples would get babies 1 to 2 years into marriage.
Joyce could be battling with conception silently
3.Emmy Kosgei
She married Nigerian Pastor Anselm Madubuko, and five years into their marriage, no kids, no pregnancy .

Some of the celebs like Emmy and Joyce may choose to fight the battle alone until their ends meet, while others make it public.
4.Millie Odhiambo

The MP for Suba North is at 53 years old and believes she would have a kid in God’s faith. She is married to a Zimbabwean man Mr.Mabona
Her fight to get kids has been relentless and she is proud of her situation
Shared it with other women across the country and no doubt, spreading the inspiration story
5.Sheila Mwanyigha

Sheila who is in her early 40 years of age is still unmarried and childless. She once confessed on media during then 2010 that having kids was proving difficult for her.
She has so far dated Prezzo but the two divorced.
Her first notable lovers were Rashid Abdalla, Lulu Hassan’s hubby
6.Caroline Mutoko

Her script is the same to that of her fellow Sheila Mwanyigha. Though for her case she adopted a kid, and named her Theodora Mutuku.

Caroline Mutuku is childless and not married. She is aged 45 years old
In 2011, she adopted an 8 year old kid, Theodora Nduku, Nduku has been her only child she knows
7.Cess Mutugi

The former radio presenter is undeniably on her late 40s years yet with no single kid. It is difficult to tell wether it is by choice or by circumstances of the nature.
8.Kirigo Ngárua
Kirigo, ex Citizen TV host has been dating her old man Resolution Health Insurance CEO, Peter Nduati.

For the many years together, they have not had a son or a daughter.
Her childlessness could be either by choice or situational
9.Shantel Grazioli
Despite leaving together since 2013, 5 years later and no kids, no wedding plans.

Erick Omondi himself seems to be okay with the status quo, but they would be nice to bag a son or a daughter sooner.
10.Vera Sidika
Her ex lover would complain about Vera’s inability to get pregnant, claiming that she was aborting kids.

Vera on her defence would allege that she had miscarriage.
Maybe Vera’s love for artificial beauty could have costed her ability to sire kids