Reading is one of the free gifts we all have, that gives big rewards to our brains and general health.

Among the many books, there are key books one should at least read.
Titles of classic books and recent novels, romantic novels, suspense, science fiction, all perfect for enjoyment.
1. The Count of Monte Cristo, Alexandre Dumas (1844)
With the expertise that Alexander Dumas (Father) put into his novels, The Count of Monte Cristo is one of those gems that catch us, in the film industry they have not resisted taking it to the big screen again and again.
Edmundo Dantés makes us live his stories and above all, Dumas makes us reflect on justice and forgiveness, to love story that leads us to forget the revenge that has led the protagonist to survive the toughest tests.
2. The Portrait of Dorian Gray, Oscar Wilde (1891)
What if it was possible to maintain physical beauty forever? That is the story we will find in this book, considered one of the classic gothic terror, like most of the great books, at the time was questioned by the relationship of the painter (Basil Hallward) with the protagonist (Dorian Gray).
With narcissism as the main theme, this character and book have remained in the memory and libraries of many over the years.
3. The Miserables, Victor Hugo (1862)
One of the best-known novels of the nineteenth century, which covers topics such as politics, ethics, and above all good and evil and a vindication in defense of the oppressed. With love also as a part of this story, fraternal and couple’s love. It is an indispensable reading for all book lovers.
4. The Treasure Island, Robert Louis Stevenson (1883)
The majority of stereotypes that make us think of pirates, is thanks to this book that shows us pirates with wooden legs, X at the point where the treasure is, parrots and more clichés. All product of Stevenson’s imagination. Published for the first time in 1883, written by the author at 30 years old, it was the novel that consecrated him as one of the greats.
5. The Metamorphosis, Franz Kafka (1915)
This is one of the most well-known books of this author, with the story of Gregory Samsa that any day wakes up turned into an insect, a metaphor of the individual that faces society, that we have to read at least once in our lives .
6. The Guardian among the Rye, JD Salinger (1951)
Holden Caufield, with his struggle to grow up, in that stage of life that is so difficult for all, the way of seeing the life and kindness of children; this is mainly what this book shares with us that at some point in our lives will remind us, we have all felt alone at one time, and this book tells it very well. A book to read at any age.
7. Chronicle of an announced death, Gabriel Garcia Maquez
A death in defense of family honor, which tries to advertise itself by all means to avoid it, that is the main plot of this book that gathers the journalistic and excellent narrative of García Márquez, a book very well constructed and easy to read. Like all his books, one of my favorites.
8. Wuthering Heights, Emily Brontë (1847)
This book, like most of the previous ones, has been given for more than one film, series, plays, and it is not wonder, ahead of its time, it was received with very little interest. Over the years and the evolution of literature has been gaining a place among the books that we all have to read. Revenge, passion, hatred and timeless love are the ingredients that this novel brings together to be one of my favorites.
9. Kites in the sky, Khaled Hosseini (2003)
Tells us the story of Amir, an Afghan boy who intends to win a kite competition, presents us with an Afghanistan in 1975, before suffering the conflicts of recent times.
With this scenario of a splendid country, customs and mainly with friendship as the main theme, this book we have to read more than eleven.
10. The Diary of Bridget Jones, Helen Fielding (1996)
Character with which many women feel identified, with objectives that we propose each January 1 and with a newspaper under his arm.
This endearing thirty-something who has parents determined to marry her, friends who try to help her and some romance of those that do not prosper, Bridget writes in her diary and shows us in a fun way her progress … or setbacks. Perfect for summer and for a fun reading.
11. Murder in the Orient Express, Agatha Christie (1934)
With special love, for being the first books that hooked me to mystery and mystery novels. Hercules Poirot made his triumphant appearance for the first time in this novel that, in detail makes us travel and live to crime that is interesting to the end. To enjoy from beginning to end, on a rainy afternoon or on a summer morning, always ideal.
12. Dracula, Bram Stoker (1897)
No one is unaware of the character in this book, already immortalized in innumerable books and films, adapted to any time and situation. Bram Stoker describes ruthless and evil vampire who does not hesitate to kill for blood.
13. The Lord of the Rings, JRR Tolkien (1954)
Without need of presentation, this book that has been counted by millions, either by knowing the book or by the fantastic films that have been made, there is no doubt that this reading is indispensable if we are lovers of fantastic characters.
14. Journey to the center of the earth, Jules Verne (1864)
We have all had fantasies with this book, who would like to find a manuscript that contains instructions that take us to places unknown to the rest of the world, see and live things that nobody has seen before. Axel, almost forced by his uncle Otto Lidenbrock will live the most wonderful experience of his life.
15. Visions, Dean Koontz (2005)
A book that surprised me, because I’m not a science fiction lover. The story of three boys, who have been injected with an unknown substance and that will make them have special powers, so they will live 24 hours of vertigo. Very well told, this book is a perfect read to make your way through suspense books.