When it comes to applying for a job, every job candidate is excited to be shortlisted. Then it all dawns on him/her that he/she must attend an interview. It is during an interview that a prospect employer is able to distinguish the best person fit for the job and the least fit. Therefore, a job candidate must prove his/her worth in order to scoop that opportunity. On the interview day, there are things that you should do to ensure that you are ready for the interview.

These things include:
Gather information about the organization
It is very important to gather as much information about the organization. Get to know the history of the company, challenges it has passed, its achievements as well as its future plans. This can be easily available in the internet. By having adverse knowledge of the company it will show that you are a serious candidate for the job and that you want to be part of their organization.
Groom to impress
Note that when I say groom to impress I do not mean that you dress like you are going to a party or a club. I mean that your personal appearance matters just as much as your qualifications since many people will judge you from how you look. Ensure that your hair is will dressed/shaved and that you are dressed in decent and professional attire. This will scream seriousness to them and you just might beat the other candidates.
Get to the interview early
It is important to wake up very early on the day of your interview and get to the interview place early enough. Getting there before the interview will enable you to compose yourself and be calm and ready for the interview. Getting late and all sweaty portrays an image of a person who is not serious at his/her work.
Have all your papers ready
Before leaving home, it is important to have all your papers from your education certificates to recommendations and samples ready and kept well in a file. This will ensure that you do not get all mixed up when you are asked for either of them. Having your work well organized shows how serious and ready you are.