In most professions, teamwork is an essential quality to advance. However, there are some people who feel uncomfortable working around people.

And is that the world of work, like the whole of society, is full of timid and introverted. Timid people often feel afraid to be judged by others, while introverts have a preference for being alone and want to unwind in quiet environments.
So, also at work, they need a task that does not force them to interact constantly with strangers. Although looking for a job that involves interacting with others can become a challenge, if you do not want to leave your comfort zone there are also interesting options.
In Youth Village Kenya we propose you 5 professions that will give you a few headaches. You will have to speak little and you will be able to give your best without worrying about other people.
Be that as it may, when it comes to choosing, two key factors must be taken into account: personal aptitudes and the preferences of each one.
In other words, it will not do you any good to choose an ideal profession for timid people if what you do not like you.
So, value your work goals and do not let yourself be overcome by shyness. If one of your problems is to speak in public, do not forget that you can take a course to overcome stage fright.
For now, here are 5 ideas so that all your potential comes to light. Do not worry more about what they will say!
1.Digital marketing
That the social skills of everyday life are not your thing, it does not mean that you cannot become an excellent community manager.
In fact, social networks will allow you to know another way of interacting with people. If you do not feel comfortable talking, you can express yourself in writing.
One of the advantages of this profession is that you can practice as a freelancer and it is not necessary to go to the office to see your colleagues.
2.Graphic design
Does creativity come through your veins? Without a doubt, designing is another very productive way of expressing oneself.
Of course, to devote professionally to it you need to have a good computer management and adequate software. Be that as it may, this profession also offers a lot of flexibility and options to work autonomously.
3.Veterinary Medicine
If you find it difficult to relate to people but not to animals, Veterinary Medicine may be the profession you are looking for.
It is a very grateful task, since you will contribute to the health and wellness of your patients. Of course, if you build your own query, keep in mind that you will have to interact with the owners of the animals you visit.
4.Editing and correction.
Do you prefer to dedicate yourself to the world of language and literature? The correction of texts is a solitary work that requires a lot of isolation.
If you are attracted to the publishing sector, consider specializing in the edition of literary texts. You will be the first to read the latest news!
If yours are numbers, you should not worry. There are options for all tastes. Working as an accountant implies having a high degree of concentration, but it is not essential to interact with other colleagues. In the office you can ask for an isolated space to perform to the maximum.
Do you still think timid people have a harder time finding a job? As you see, there are no excuses. So do not settle and work on what you really like: your personality is going to slow you down if you do not want to!