If you are in any of these jobs, it is important that you pay more attention to your weight
A new report from the European Medical Institute of Obesity (IMEO), warns that there are jobs that make you fatter than others and that there are some common characteristics that favor overweight and obesity.
According to the experts, the professions that most fatten are those carried out by
- The military,
- Security personnel,
- Truck drivers,
- Cooks,
- Food handlers and
- Clerks
Experts indicate that these jobs have a limited physical activity, lack of regular physical activity, excess of unhealthy habits such as smoking, sleeping little and working under pressure or stress.
There is also a diet based on succulent menus, especially fast food, sandwiches and fried foods, plus it is customary to snack between hours and use free time for sedentary activities.
For the military, the unstable schedules, with day and night shifts, as well as the short time for cooking and the physical and emotional stress they suffer, are cause for modifications in the metabolism.
In the case of those who are dedicated to cooking or handling food, they are more susceptible to obesity because they manipulate, smell, taste and taste their final dish, which favors the anxiety of pecking between meals.
On the other hand, truck drivers and transport services have little time to eat and to carry out physical activities.
The nature of their profession forces them to be seated for many hours, which causes their metabolic rate to decrease with age, increasing their weight and body fat.
The clerks share a problem fundamentally of schedules, since they do not have a time nor a specific place to eat.
So if you are in any of these professions, it is best to apply some tricks, such as always carry a healthy snack, walk as much as possible and if you have to eat on the street, choose homemade options.