Personal loans are very useful tools, because they can acquire goods or services, pay medical expenses or have the necessary liquidity to face a short-term emergency.
However, at the time of requesting this kind of credits, it is key to take into account several variables.
5 tips to apply for personal loans without major risks.
1.Monthly budget
You must prepare a monthly budget of your fixed income and expenses. With this you can evaluate if you can get in debt with a personal loan.
Likewise, you are required to be careful with variable income, since the exact date on which it will be received is usually not known.
If your income is in Ksh. it is not advisable to assume debts in dollars, since the variations in the exchange rate will affect your ability to pay the monthly installments.
Credit cards
An interesting suggestion is to use these loans to stabilize debts of different credit cards, since this type of loan can be of great help, because the interest rate is much lower than that of a credit card and it can be extended to a longer term.
However, it is important to remember that this will imply greater indebtedness.
Payment date
Agree on a payment that is consistent with the date you receive your income. In this way, you will minimize the risk of not having the cash to make the respective payment.
Personal loans
It is important that any additional income to the monthly salary, such as allowances and gratification, is used to reduce the debt of the loans that you have obtained in financial institutions. In addition, it is key to remember that the installments of this loan are converted to a fixed rate of exit.