Achieving balance between work and studies can be a complex task.
To facilitate this process, YVK shares 6 key tips to study and work at the same time, obtaining good results:
Organize your times
One of the most complicated things when working and studying is giving yourself time to fulfill the responsibilities of both roles. However, if you manage to correctly organize your schedule and assign a specific moment to those functions, you should not have major problems.
Do not get distracted from the objective
There are jobs that may be very attractive for your salary. However, it is important that you remember that you are looking for experience. Therefore, you must apply for posts related to your career, which contribute to your professional development.
Evaluate your priorities
Regardless of the benefits that can give you some job offers, remember that your priority is your studies and you should not accept jobs that do not allow you to continue with your training, since this will be the one that will open the doors to better opportunities in the future.
Commit yourself to the objectives of the company
Your performance in these first jobs will be your cover letter once you finish your studies. That is why it is important that you are able to take on tasks and new challenges with due responsibility.
Learn to communicate assertively
Sometimes, you may not be able to meet everything because of time or experience. In these cases, it is better to be honest with your employer and show him / her what your needs are.
Establish short-term goals
Throughout this process, it is important that you set forth near and real goals. Otherwise, you will soon feel unmotivated and frustrated.