Have you ever thought that some people still seem to be doing nothing despite being employed with a job description.
The feeling of them being paid for nothing cannot just leave you stay with your peace alone. Here are 7 such jobs we have compiled.
Professional to taste and christen Ben & Jerry ice creams
Surely this work would wish more than one. As you may have noticed, Ben & Jerry’s ice creams have very unique names: Chunky Monkey, Caramel Chew Chew or Cherry Garcia are some of them.
As you may suppose, before “baptizing” the ice cream, it is necessary to taste it and the company has qualified personnel for this purpose.
Bachelor Party Ceremony Master
If you do not want your bachelor party to end like the Hangover in Vegas (or worse, make it a joke), it’s best to hire a master of ceremonies for that purpose. They will decide, according to your tastes, what is the best plan to follow that unforgettable night.
Condom Tester
Possibly a job that many would like. But it does not exist as such. Companies give away to certain people a lot of condoms of different flavors, sensations … but would not give you to pay a rent. Of course, you would have sex insurance completely free
Video game tester
This is a job that may seem very attractive but, at least in Spain, are usually mileuristas and having to swallow infumable games. But to exist, it exists.
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