Job portals are the most used means to search for employment today, as well as social networks. In these areas companies look for their future employees, but there is also room for scams and fraudulent job offers that the worker must protect.
Through fake advertisements, different advertisers try to deceive workers to obtain an economic benefit.
In some cases, the characteristics of the job allow the worker to detect that something strange happens, but this is not always so simple.
When making the job search, the worker must seek a strategy that allows him to carry out a secure search, to avoid sharing his personal information with cybercriminals or falling into scams.
How to identify a
false job offer?
Because there are more and more types of deceptive job offers, it is not always easy for workers to identify them. However, there are some warning signs that allow you to doubt certain ads.
The most common signs
to identify a false job offer are:
- It is requested to advance a certain amount of money to continue the selection process, or for some type of training.
- The remuneration offered is double or even triple the usual.
- Who publishes the job is a private, or a site of little confidence
- The work to be developed is not clearly specified, only requirements are indicated.
- A trial period is required, but it has no compensation.
- The offer does not appear on the most important job search sites.
- The notice remains too long published despite having hundreds of applicants, which indicates that the company is not really concerned about hiring staff.
How to avoid falling
into these scams?
The first step to save yourself troubles is, precisely, to explore the aforementioned warning signs and analyze if the offer to which you wish to apply has any of them. If this happens, it will be best to discard it.
But in addition, there are some applicable strategies to achieve safer job searches. For example:
- Search in reliable job portals, to make sure that the published offers are really reliable.
- Avoid job offers that are received by mail or informally.
- Distrust the offers offered through social networks, even through professionals such as Linkedin.
- Save with suspicion the personal information and contact data, to provide them only in selection processes.
It is important to always keep in mind that, just as the worker tries to look for opportunities to improve, some criminals look for the opportunity to obtain a benefit.
Therefore, distrust is the best weapon to avoid problems in these cases and avoid that anxiety to find a job ends up hurting the worker.