It is safe to say that celebrities are the only people in the world who have two hearts, one for TV and the other one for their normal life.
They can decide to live the kind of a life they have on TV and also the one they wish in the real life. They just need to be cautious to stay relevant for long.
We look at some of the celebs who seem to have taken their last breathe on screens.
Unfortunately, the list comprises largely of Tahidi High former actors, who after quitting, perished off naturally, safe for gutter press whch still remember them in their throwback stories
OJ vanished off, especially after doing the indomie delicacy advert.
Abel Mutua
Just like OJ, his close friend and counterpart Abel Mutua tried to remain relevant through adverts, but he was a forgone case after the Airtel promo advert.
Catherine Kasavuli
After having a successful life at Citizen TV as an anchor, she moved to KBC as a marketing manager, since then we have heard les from Kasavuli. We just miss her eloquence and beuty.
Kirigo Ng’arua
She has been a victim of retrenchment at Citizen TV, and she has been painfully sacrificed for the sake of the firm. Kirigo has never been so lonely like this time round. She is literary I the cold.
Click Here For Part 2