Witchcraft was thought for the elderly in the society, but today it is growing steadily among the youths, and surprisingly the celebs are leading from the front line.
These celebs instead of condemning and denouncing this old fashioned barbaric culture, it is so sad that some of them promote witchcraft in their songs.
He has on several occasions been accused by Tanzanian local papers to be under infleunce of Jujus, where he gets his powers when his music is on the verge of collapsing.
Diamond in return has been arrested after he tried to fight physically with reporters who noted his strange behaviors linking him to famous majinis
2.Ray C
She has been attached to the same jujus that Diamond uses, and the local Tanzanian papers show that this culture has been promoted by the two at large among the upcoming artists
In his song with Lady Jay Dee, dubbed Anita, the two promote how the use of a witch doctor led to Matonya winning his girl. He resorts to jujus when the girl faces him off and declines his proposal.
4.Lady Jay Dee
In the same vein with Matonya song Anita, she is the voice over of the lady who accepted Matonya’s proposal after gaining jujus power
5.Jose Chameloen
He at one time let off himself from the sixth floor to down with a big bang, it became a theory how he survived the horrific fall from the top of the building in Tanzania.
Many alleged that he had gone for the witch powers, and the powers had put him under test before his fall
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