Pambazuka National Lottery Show on NTV Fatma Mohammed has narrated her medical struggle with heinous fibroids in her body that had to be removed surgically.
She said during a radio interview her menace with the disease started with a diagnosis of only 5 of them, only for the doctors to discover a total of 21 fibroids later.
Doctors were forced to perform a major surgery due to the fact that the fibroids had increased in number and size in a span of just two years.
“I was informed that if only I had sought treatment when the five were first detected then I would not have gone under the knife, a laparoscopy would have removed them,” she said during an interview on Radio Maisha.
As a medical requirement, Fatma was shown all the 21 growths which had been removed from her body.
“I was shocked as the nurse showed me a whole bucket filled with growths,” she said.
Her problems started when she was filming the Pambazuka show, where at some point she would detect leg pains she would end up ignoring.
“When I got home the pain got worse and my leg started swelling. I started my local remedies but it later turned out I had developed a clot,” she narrated.
Fatma is now advocating for regular medical check up for anyone who is feeling uncomfortable especially women.
Fibroids develop themselves as growths at the lower abdomen which tend to cause pain during sex or menstruation