Avatar 2 finished the filming work of the year and they shared a photo of the set on social networks to celebrate.

In 2009, Avatar was released, directed by James Cameron and starring Sam Worthington, Zoe Saladaña, Stephen Lang, Michelle Rodriguez and Signourney Weaver.
The film became the highest grossing film in history, raising more than 2,787 million dollars and surpassing the 1997 Titanic, also by James Cameron.
For 10 years, Avatar remained at the top of the list of the highest-grossing films in history until the Russo brothers arrived with Avengers: Endgame and dethroned her.

With such collection, it was natural to make a second part and James Cameron announced that he would work on two more films to make a trilogy that would be released in 2014 and 2016. However, in 2013 20th Century Fox announced 3 sequels of the film that would be released in 2016, 2017 and 2018.
The project has been delayed on more than one occasion, delaying the release dates every year and, 10 years later, there is still no Avatar sequel.
But it is a fact that there will be continuation, because the project is already in the production phase and they are not recording only one of the sequels, but they decided to record two films simultaneously.
The filming of the sequels began in 2017, but has been postponed and paused on different occasions due to the complexity of the project and the parallel work of those responsible. James Cameron himself was involved in the newly released Terminator: Dark Fate.
After years of news, delays and false hopes, the project is a reality and fans can now see a very small preview of the expected sequel.
Through the official Twitter account of the film, a photograph was shown to announce that the filming ended, at least during 2019.
«This is a gift, Na’vi Nation! It is our last day of live action filming in 2019, and we are celebrating with a preview. Look at this photo of the aft deck section of the Dragon of the Ocean, a mega mothership that carries other ships inside the sequels, ”they wrote on the Twitter account