Nyakim Gatwech, 24, from South Sudan was once asked to part with a reward of 1 million shillings if she promised that she was going to bleach and enlighten her skin tone from its deep black colour.
She ofcourse said no.
She has become an advocates of the black skin in the same breath, using her social media accounts to spread the messages far and wide across the world.
The model who hails from Minneapolis, Minnesota USA wrote
‘Dear my moonshine dark skin, sun-kissed complexion, burn skin or whatever they might call you: you are beyond beautiful and the love I have for is unconditional because you are me’. You represent me and I represent you and let show the world how beautiful and intelligent we are apart from just being dark skin. Because we are more than what this society think of our dark skin let stand up for those who can’t. Let’s speak up those who can’t. And stay beautiful while doing it.’
‘Don’t let American standards damage your African soul. Love the skin you live in, no matter what colour or shade it may be.’
‘There was a time in my life where i considered bleaching myself to avoid the dirty looks, the laughter, and for boys to find me attractive, she told yahoo Beauty