10 Kenyan Celebs Who Scored Straight As In KCSE Exams
The old and slowly being faced out 844 education system, meant that…
7 Benefits Of Playing Chess For Learning
The chess helps to improve the performance of children and young people…
If You Do These 8 Simple Things For 30 Days, You’ll Be Unrecognizable
Becoming successful in life is an all round activity. Even though it…
6 Fun Activities To Exercise Your Brain
All parts of our body age, including our brain. As time goes…
2 Alternatives Things You Can Do After Graduation
You have just finished college, are you an expert in making resumes…
10 Qualities Of A Good Intern
On the other hand, this is an excellent opportunity to experience the…
13 Interesting Facts About New Competency Based Curriculum (CBC) That Is Replacing 8-4-4
The Ministry of Education led by CS George Magoha is already rolling…
24 Tips For Everyone Hoping To Live In Nairobi Should Learn
If you find yourself in Nairobi, these 24 tips are all you…
10 Biggest Money Mistakes Salaried Kenyans Make
Talking about finances this year is such a big deal to just…
Applications Now Open For 2021/2022 Placement of Students To Universities And Colleges Centre/School
The Kenya Universities and Colleges Central Placement Service is a State corporation…
10 Online Learning Platforms With Free Courses And Personalized Learning Materials For Kenyan Students
If there is one thing COVID-19 has taught us since it happened…
20 Kenyan Education Funds To Apply And Finance Your College/University Career In 2021
Education can be quite expensive but with our student loans there’s now…