If Your Partner Has One Of These Jobs, Your Fiancée Will Cheat You For Sure
There are different types of infidelities. Some are a here-I-get-you-here-I-kill you, others…
10 Jobs That Require Less Education Or Training
The typical average Kenyan usually changes jobs 10 to 15 times in…
5 Unwritten Rules About Being A Boss That Nobody Will Tell You
After many hours of hard work, his employer promoted him to boss.…
8 Tips To Build A Successful Professional Life
People are always looking for success in their lives, but this requires…
7 Keys To Stay Motivated At Work
Keeping the motivation of employees high in companies is not an easy…
10 Things That Require Zero Talent In 2022
In todays world, alot has evolved that you can barely do nothing…
4 Answers To Give When Asked About Yourself
Interviews can be quite tricky and one must be very careful how…
5 Kenyan Celebs Who Abandoned Well Paying Jobs
Since the hit of COVID-19 pandemic in the beginning of 2020, Kenya's…
10 Side Hustles You Can Do From Home
In this modern digital era, not everyone has to wake up and…
IEBC To Hire 300,000 Temporary Staff For 2022 August Polls
IEBC aka The Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission is set to hire…
Shaffie Weru Lands Lucrative Radio Job
An announcement by NRG through their Twitter handle revealed that Shaffie Weru…
10 Jobs Which Will Make You Gain Weight
The stress and physical inactivity that some jobs imply make you gain…