Caroline Ayietsa Malalah, is the beutiful and brainy woman behind the success of one Kakamega Senator Cleophas Malalah.

Before politics, Senator Malalah was not a household name until he was the chair of a special senate committee that saw Kirinyaga Governor Anne Waiguru get back her job after she was impeached by county MCAs.
Malalah and Caroline got hitched in a traditional way back in August 2018, one year after winning the Kakamega seat.
Malalah also shot to fame when he was arrested on 17th August in 2020 on grounds of not observing COVID-19 rules while distributing relief items to the needy.
Long story cut short, here is the beutiful angel that welcomes Senator Malalah back home, after a winding day of politics .

Attending a function

Loved up selfie

During traditional wedding in 2018