Pursuant to Chapter VI and Articles 10; 27(8); 232; 246(3); 246(4) of the Constitution of Kenya; Sections 10, 11 and 12 of the National Police Service Commission Act and section 7 (3) of the National Police Service Commission Recruitment and Appointment Regulations 2015, I the Inspector General, in exercise of powers delegated to me by the National Police Service Commission, seek to recruit 4,700 suitably qualified applicants to be trained as Police Constables

Entry Applicant must:
- Be a citizen of Kenya
- Hold a Kenya National Identity Card
- Possess a minimum mean grade of D+ (D Plus) and above in the Kenya Certificate of Secondary
Education (KCSE) examination or its equivalent from an examination body recognized in Kenya
with a D+ (D Plus) and above in either English or Kiswahili languages - Be aged between 18 and 28 years
- Meet the requirements of Chapter Six of the Constitution
- Be physically and mentally fit
- Have no criminal record or pending criminal charges

Recruitment Centres For Police Constables

Police Cadets