The new WhatsApp feature will allow you to select which group you want to participate or not.

WhatsApp always thinks about making life easier for its users. It was ventilated that the application works in a new function , which will allow you to filter the invitations to groups.
Specialized speakers ensure that the user can invite anyone to a group conversation . But you must have your phone number registered among your contacts.
Also with this new feature, you can accept or not, who can invite you to a WhatsApp group . The instant messaging platform will provide three different modalities.
For example, if the group administrator does not have the permission to add a participant to the group conversation, the invited person will receive an invitation .
If you do not respond to the group invitation request within 72 hours , it expires. And now you’re done, you save yourself from participating in that group.
In addition to this update, which gives you some freedom. The trial version for Android devices brings a new design in the settings item.
Users who have ‘tested’ the novelty express that the adjustment is actually more visual than functionality. Although it offers more information about the use of networks, and the storage that is used in the device. Something that can be very useful.