In 1998, the government adopted a new plate numbering system which saw a uniform way of giving vehicles with ease.
The system’s first plate started with KAA 001A which meant that next plate would be numbered in that order of first two alphabets after letter K for Kenya, three digits and an alphabet.
Years have rolled and most new cars in 2018 were largely on ‘KC … .’
We expected to see plates with initials of KCO after those of KCN, however, a quick look around Nairobi strangely shows that no new car has a plate with the initials of KCO.
So one of the reasons, could be the inability of some of the road users to interpret the ‘O’ as a letter rather than as a digit ‘0’.
It also explains why the government has been skipping the letter mysteriously even from the past.
Currently we don’t have plates with initial of KAO, KBO, and KCO, which means that even in future, we might not see KDO, KEO or even KOA, KOB etc.
Hope this article has opened your eyes, if you happen to see any of that plate with a strange ‘O’ please do not hesitate to inform us