In this generation ladies tend to think they can’t leave their houses without makeup on them. And we also have those ladies who are not comfortable putting on makeup and they feel out of place in the makeup society.

There are plenty of ways to look beautiful without makeup that will leave you feeling gorgeous and confident. Below are the tips that magazine reel has come up with to help you feel beautiful as you really are.
1. Always Appreciate and Love Yourself
Being natural is connected with your inner perception of yourself. You should always learn to appreciate yourself so that people can learn to appreciate you. No matter how your skin is learn to accept and take good care of it.
2. Your Skin Is You
Going natural doesn’t mean you neglect your face or even not caring about it. In our day to day life, our skin can be dull and grimy depending with the days activity so cleanse regularly to keep your skin looking fresh if you want to be a natural beauty. Always make sure you wash your face twice in a day, let that be in the morning and evening. You should always invest when it comes to being beautiful. By this find a good facial wash and moisturizer that’s suited to your skin type.
3. Good Grooming
Good grooming is always very important to everyone. Always keep your eyebrows tidy and worked on. If you are blessed with eyebrows that requires constant threading, tweezing or even waxing then work on them. If you think you can do it on your own the best thing is to see a beautician. With this simple step, you can leave without makeup because you already groomed and smart.
4. Hygiene
Hygiene is the key concept in keeping up a good appearance. Taking good care of yourself will help. Always let your hair be well maintained. Be it short or long nails keep them nice and clean. Clean clothes and controlled body odor should be the foundation of your beauty so you should always prioritize your hygiene first.
5. Eating Healthy and water
People don’t realise that the skin is our largest organ and it needs caring for both inside and out. For you to look beautiful without stressing your skin with too much make up, you have to feed properly with lots of water about 8 glasses a day and vitamins. The skin can be affected by a poor diet and healthy skin is essential to looking good without makeup. Make sure you get enough sleep and don’t overdo the alcohol drinks and look yourself in the mirror the morning after. For a healthy and glowing skin try cutting out as many greasy, fatty, sugary foods as possible and load up on fruits, vegetables, whole grains and lean meats instead. Make sure you eat fresh fruits and vegetables every day, as well as healthy fats and proteins; these are so important for our beauty.
6. Smile
A smile will help you feel and look pretty. A smile hides dozen of things including sadness. As Audrey Hepburn, once said that, “The prettiest girl is the happiest one!” Accept yourself fully and completely. Always love yourself with or without makeup and this will also be reciprocated.
7. Be Confident
Remember that makeup is simply a tool used to emphasize certain features. But your natural beauty has been there ever since. True beauty shines from within, so stop believing that you need your mascara to feel confident and start believing in you.
Make eye contact with people and smile frequently. If you feel that you look terrible without your makeup, then your lack of confidence in your appearance will show.Believe that you look beautiful without makeup, and others will believe it as well.
Many of the ways to look beautiful without makeup have to do with how you feel about yourself, and this is just one of them. If you routinely go without makeup, let us know some of your favorite ways to look beautiful without makeup on.