Larry Omondi Madowo is a Kenyan journalist who specializes in technology, current affairs and entertainment. He is currently employed by NTV as a news anchor and technology editor. He has also worked with other major networks such as CNBC Africa,a South African based media and the Kenyan Television Network(KTN). He was also a radio presenter at Nation FM hosting a programme called Larry Madowo Show. He is a columnist on ThursdayDailyNations paper. He was born in Siaya County, Western part of Kenya.

*Here are some interesting facts about Larry Madowo:*
20.* He wanted to be a catholic priest*. As a young boy, his ambition was to be a priest. As he grew up and interacted with realities of life, he changed his mind to either technology,law or journalism. He latter settled for journalism. His passion for priesthood started while he was at st Gabriel Seminary School in Kisumu.
19.*He attained a B- in his Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education*. he is one of the few Kenyans who have advanced to higher levels of social status after a poor performance in secondary education.In 2016, after the release of 2015 KCSE results, he publicly revealed his results to encourage those who thought that failing exams was the end of the road. Larry declined repeating form four despite pressure from relatives.
18. *He got a job before graduation*.After enrolling as a journalism student at Daystar University, he dropped out of school in his third year to take a job at KTN. He later went back to school to complete his undergraduate education.
17.*His mother was a primary school teacher*. She was a teacher in Siaya County, at Usingo Primary School. She was also Kenya National Union of Teachers official, Siaya branch. His mother was a P1 teacher trained at Thogoto Teachers Training College.
16.*Larry is single*. He is 29 years old, financially well off but still single. He reveals that he still do not have an official girlfriend.
15.He dared *condemn his employer for sacking a fellow journalist*. He questioned the ground of sacking Denis Galava, a senior editor at nation media group, on claims of criticizing Kenyatta’s government. He claimed that such acts were bad precedent to journalists.
14. *His passion for journalism started while he was still young*. His behaviors revealed this.He could read newspapers used for wrapping meat and was also nosy and keen on details of a conversation. He loved traveling and meeting new friends.
13.He *has eased the tension of television anchoring in Kenya*. He jokes in front of camera. He was recently pranked on live live show by a lady who claimed he impregnated and abandoned. A valentine party he organized for couples turned hot for him. He almost lost his calmness when he directed his crew to put the programme off air.
12.*His recent antagonist in media is a blogger Cyprian Nyakund*i with whom they shared bitter words.He claimed Nyakundi was being paid to tarnish individuals and brands. Nyakundi vowed to sue him. He invited Nyakundi to dare him in court.
11. Larry and Jeff Koinange *placed a bet of sh.100,000 on who could interview President Obama.* unfortunately both did not get an opportunity to interview the POTUS.
10. The bold and outspoken professional drop out is not married, the 28 years old TV host and anchor is involved in complicated relationship and has not come out to declare his intentions to marry sooner
9. He is Kenya’s most active journalist on social media
8. During his boyhood study time, he wanted to become a priest while he was studying at a Kisumu, St. Gabriel Seminary School. A catholic priest to be specific
7. He wanted to become later at the college, journalist, lawyer or a technologist
6. He was an intern at a vernacular radio station , Bahasa FM
5. His second job was at KTN which forced him to drop out of college
4. The Siaya County son moved from KTN to NTV then to CNBC, a South African based TV station based in South Africa, his focus was in Kenya news
3. Larry Madowo’s sister, Liz Madowo is a stylists and a fashion blogger
2. The Daystar graduate has reported from more than 30 ranging from China, Silicon Valley.
1. Larry Madowo didn’t pass his KCSE Exams and he has since admitted about this fact claiming that exams don’t define someone’s destination
By Simon Ingari & Vincent Felix