Remember that in the middle of a crisis the competition is very hard, you must know yourself, identify your strengths and your weaknesses to apply for the job that best suits you. perhaps you should also lower your expectations, the labor market is not like to reject opportunities, the crisis will pass and it is better to spend it in a mediocre job than doing it at home. In the long run, the experience, be it at work, is your best ally.

Do not forget either to cover letter, to list of references of people who have worked with you, to positive attitude and an adequate presence. The job search has been taken as a job, get up early to look for new opportunities, train yourself, call, follow up, eat with old colleagues, learn languages, etc.
Another strategy would be to investigate, through Google, the companies of the sector to which one wants to integrate. For example, if you want to teach English or computer science, you just have to search for “English institute” or “computer academy”, and try the pages of each of the establishments, to send your resume. You never know where you can find luck.
The results are usually not immediate, you must have patience and perseverance. It takes a lot of time for companies to evaluate the CVs they receive with each ad they publish. Or it often happens that a CV is archived for a few months until the vacancy occurs. The most important thing is to think positive, and be open to receive the best of the future.
Tips to find a job.
- Prepare a good Curriculum Vitae. and a cover letter.
- Search job offers in the best employment websites (in some they have almost 100,000 vacancies).
- Now you cannot forget about social networks.
- Search in Temporary Work Agencies
- Ask family and friends. It should be the first place to start.
- If the thing is going well and you get a job interview, prepare it well and write down the possible frequently asked questions.
- Have you thought about becoming autonomous? Internet is a great job market, where thousands of jobs are offered daily with the convenience of being able to do it from home. This comfort is also a double-edged sword since every job offer is demanded by hundreds and even thousands of people, so the differentiation of your candidacy is key.