As young budding ;leaders, getting a first experience comes from reading books which gives you the tips to lead. Find here 12 books that will equip you to be a good young leader
1. Leadership and Self-Deception, by the Arbinger Institute
This is often the first book I recommend to a student who’s begun their leadership journey. It’s a parable about a self-absorbed man who learns to get beyond himself.
2. The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People, by Stephen Covey
This classic by the late Stephen Covey covers seven key habits that successful people in any industry have chosen to embrace: priorities, decision making, goals, etc.
3. How to Win Friends and Influence People, by Dale Carnegie
Another classic written decades ago, the book covers timeless truths for engaging people and earning the right to be heard. Simple lessons in emotional intelligence.
4. Drive, by Daniel Pink
This book explains how human motivation has changed over time, from carrots and sticks (rewards, punishment) to the longing for autonomy, mastery and purpose.
5. Managing Up, by Rossane Badowski
This is a book every young leader should read. It talks about how to influence and lead when you’re not the “boss.” It’s about healthy relationships, trust and value.
6. Primal Leadership, by Daniel Goleman, Richard Boyatzis, and Annie McKee
This classic book convinces readers that emotional intelligence is king in leadership. Leaders must cultivate their EQ (emotional quotient), not just evaluate their IQ.
7. The 360-Degree Leader, by John C. Maxwell
This book explains the concept of how we influence all around us, and how people can influence without a title or position. Influence must be earned.
8. Made to Stick, by Chip and Dan Heath
This is a timely book on how to communicate effectively. It is researched based and full of case studies on what makes communication memorable and life-changing.
9. The Making of a Leader, by Dr. J. Robert Clinton
This is a faith-based book about the stages leaders are to experience in order to build healthy, character-based leadership, and finish well. It offers the big picture.
10. Talent is Never Enough, by John Maxwell
This book tells how to build characteristics and habits in your life that don’t require talent but ultimately enable you to capitalize on your gifts. Very inspirational.
11. The One Thing You Need to Know, by Marcus Buckingham
This book, written by the king of “strengths-based” leadership, focuses on the single most important element for successful life and leadership. It simplifies the journey.
12. Habitudes—Images That Form Leadership Habits and Attitudes
At the risk of sounding self-serving, I also recommend “Habitudes®” to young leaders who desire to understand timeless principles of leadership via stories and images.