As a couple, you deserve success and progress and this does not come from nothing, but rather well planned goals that would see a marriage grow and florish
GOAL 1: To love you the way you perceive love to be, not the way I assume you want to be loved
GOAL 2: For us to help each other to be the best we can ever be, sharpening each other to growth. You should be a better person with me being in your life
GOAL 3: To give you the highest sexual pleasure since I expect you to be faithful to only me
GOAL 4: To never repeat the mistakes that your ex/exes did that led to your heart break
GOAL 5: To be a true companion for life so that you never feel lonely
GOAL 6: To create a home with you where you, our children and myself will find safety, peace and refuge in
GOAL 7: To work hard and smart during our youthful and energetic years so that we live in comfort, security and fulfilment in our sunset years
GOAL 8: To help each other to fulfil purpose. We will not kill each other’s dreams
GOAL 9: To model to our children what a good marriage looks like
GOAL 10: To lead each other to God and build each other spiritually. What good is it for us to gain a marriage but lose our own soul?
GOAL 11. To leave an inheritance and a legacy worthy of following for our children’s children
GOAL 12: To stay together till death do us part. This is long-term
GOAL 13: Not to tolerate and endure marriage but enjoy marriage
GOAL 14: Not to focus on what others think or stay together because of other people’s opinion but for ourselves. It is about you and me and the value we add to each other