Few days ago, I told my college that I felt lonely in my big house after my wife left for a holiday at her maternal place.
My college replied with a thoughtful suggestion- ‘If you ever feel lonely, just watch a horror movie’.
Those who have watched tormenting horror movie don’t need further explanation. For those who haven’t, it is like listening to stories from haunted people.
In movies, this seems a reality especially if you are alone at night. Out mind is triggered into unnecessary hallucinations we cannot ignore.
If you have ever had a nightmare with such thoughts, below is a list of such individuals behind you tormenting night
Nun- The Nun
Maine Mendoza- Rings 2017
Doug Jones! Also Abe in Hellboy, Billy in Hocus Pocus. One of the Gentlemen in Buffy.
The Grudge
The Grudge
Jeepers Creepers
Alien Covenant
Freddy the son of nun
Gunnar Hansen-Texas chain saw masscre
Bob Dylan as Adam Sandler in Halloween
Friday the 13th – Kane Hodder
Scream- Scot Foley
My Bloody Valentine- Jensen Ackles
Last Key- Chester
Wrong Turn- Benedict Cumberbatch
Jason- Pan’s labyrinth
Linda Blair- The Exorcist
Smiley- Nicholas Cage
The Strangers
Grinch- Halloween
Predator- Kevin Peter
Nemesis- STARS
Thomas- The Orphanage 2017