There are some many ways to produce and have an income in Kenya, but we can boil them down to the following 4 methods which is legal and widely accepted.

If you seek employment , you will have a source of wealth and income. Here you got 5% chances of getting wealth.
One character here is the notion of working so many hours, specific level of education and with a long time to get wealth.
Income depends on active work you delivered
2.Business Owner
These has a chance of making 95% wealth with less active involvement in the work rate output.
When you great a system of generating money, you bring people on board who work for you. Making it easy to gain huge wealth with less output of your energy.
No specific academic level needed, but the business owner will need specific business players with a certain level of education
3.Self Employed
This idea combined both the Business owner ideology and employment ideology.
In this essence, one is self employed and the amount of work determines his salary and wealth at large. But unlike that person who is employed, he has a great chance of 95% making quick wealth.
Here again, level of education may play in or never be an issue.
Here, you invest in business and let your money work for your wealth. It involves risk taking and trusting other entities or other business men to work with your money.
The investors might even go on dormancy but they are still making money.
The amount of money you put determines your wealth, unlike the 3 entities above which tend to depend on time and work rate.
Level education is not also a necessity here.