Kenyan population is rapidly increasing. With as many as 70,000 youths entering the Kenyan job market annually, unemployment is blowing the very hopes of youths away. Many young people are idol, because the lack a job. Consequently, they are vulnerable to crimes. While this is the case, efforts are underway to at least, contain the situation. Government and non-governmental institutions have programs in place to equip youths with skills to make them self-reliant citizens. Here are institutions offering free training for Kenyan youth:

National Youth Service – NYS
The government of Kenya established The National Youth Service (NYS) in 1964. The main aim of this was to train youth on matters service in the armed forces, national reconstruction programmes and disaster response. Through NYS Programs, Kenyan youths are able to acquire technical skills such as, masonry, secretarial dressmaking, and plumbing among others. The training, which was compulsory to all Kenyan high school leavers, was later in 1980 changed to voluntary till now. With at least 4000 passing out, NYS also offers diploma and certificate courses at its constituent campuses.
Malindi Educational Development Association
The institution trains youths to become volunteers of youth Peer Education on HIV & AIDS and Drug Abuse Awareness Program. Located in Malindi, the institution was established in 1997. At least 200 youths have been trained to be to volunteer in the awareness program. The programs also reach the youth through sports and theater.
Ananda Marga Universal Relief Team
Since its inception in 1993, AMURT Kenya has managed 15 projects that benefited 1.5 million Kenyans. The projects target HIV /AIDS victims. To curb unemployment, the organization has trained 1000 youths on how to generate income. Jitendra Kumar runs the organization. AMURT Kenya reaches youths through Youth HIV and AIDS Prevention Program. This program targets youth from age of 14 to 25. Through its nine centers in Central, Nyanza, and Coast region. AMURT institution enables the youths to nurture talents through sports. At least 135 youths have been trained and work as peer educators through edu- entertainment
Kenya Institute of Social Work and Community Development
The non-governmental institution focuses on community development and training. Established in 1997, the institute trains experts in community-based programs to enhance self-reliance in the community. The institute is offering free short courses at its Nairobi campus. The courses include business management skills for start-ups and disaster management.
Kenya youth business trust
Founded in 2004, the institution empowers youths and helps in taming employment in Kenya. KYBT program gives aid to needy youths aged between 18 and 20 years who are employed or not. In Nairobi, the program has benefited 500 youths from Kibera and Mukuru slums. The organisation offers entrepreneurial training and 20 percent fund to the youths. The training takes a period of 30 days. Beneficiaries write business proposal and submit to the board for consideration. It also offers Small Business Management Training, Loans, Mentoring, Networking, Technical Training and Personal Development Training to young entrepreneurs in Kenya. In 2005, KYBT became an accredited member of Youth Business International (YBI). The institute also operates in Mombasa.