If you are a lucky lady who is going to date a man deeply rooted in God, there are nice lessons you are going to learn with time.

And here are some of the lessons you won’t forget.
You must wait on God to provide direction and next steps. This may take much longer than you could imagine, make sure you spend time on your knees. Make sure that you understand that the time things take is allotted by God, not by the person you believe to be “waiting” on.
Guard your heart
Your godly guy friend will guard his heart, make sure that you guard yours as well. Be mindful and prayerful before investing too much of your heart, energy or physical affection. Go at God’s pace. Wait on Him.
Prayers are answered
All the prayers that you prayed, about doing God’s will, and wanting a person who will align to your desire of pleasing God, those are answered, and you may not like it as much in practice as you thought, or as books describe.
You will be led
This means, you will have to submit your will and desires to God first, and secondly to the person you are entrusting the process to.
God is in control
God will have the control – Not you, and not the other person. This will be so incredibly painful. Be prepared. It will also be incredibly satisfying and rewarding; because God will provide a peace like you never experienced. He will reassure you and guide you. He will continue to guard your heart.