Unplanned pregnancy is the nightmare of any couple/woman. This is because the thought of carrying and bringing another living being into this world is not easy. It can get very terrifying since both of you might not be ready for the responsibility ahead. Many tend to result to abortion and later come to regret. It is therefore important to follow the following recommendations before considering an abortion.

Get professional help
Is the idea of procuring an abortion in your mind? It is important that you communicate with a trained professional so that they can respond to all the questions in your mind. The trained professional will not tell you what you want to hear but rather the facts. This will help you make the right decisions.
Avoid isolating yourself
It is unnatural to have the feeling of withdrawal when you have an unwanted pregnancy. This may be because you want to face the challenge alone or simply wanting to keep the issue a secret. This would however not be the best thing to do in the situation. You should keep contact with family and friends to give you support. Isolating yourself can lead to depression..
Talk to others who have gone through it
It is wise to try and find someone who has also gone through an unplanned pregnancy or abortion and find out what it was like. Their experiences may help you decide on what you want to do with your baby and the repercussions of your decision.
Avoid people who pressure you
In this situation, it is important to avoid people who pressure you be it your family or friends. Whichever choice that you make, let it not be their decision but rather your own. This is because you will have to live with your choice but you will hate them if they make you do what you did not want.
Consider the side effects
Before choosing to procure an abortion, it is important to consider its side effects both physical and psychological. It is good to be prepared and know whether you are ready for whatever comes your way.