The college students are used to worry only about the immediate future, which corresponds to tomorrow or next week. Of course, this behavior is understandable, since you have to worry about the evidence and how to pay next month’s bills.
However, you must also remember that more distant goals are equally important. Do you already know what to do in the first 5 years after university? Not?
Check below 5 tips to define the goals for your near future:
1. Think big and be realistic
If you could do anything in the next five years, what would it be? In which area of the labor market would you like to work? What most piques your interest? This type of question is essential for you to decide your next goals.
Take a few days to think about the jobs that attract you the most, define what risks and responsibilities you are willing to take.
2. Do research
Look for specialized sites in the industry that interests you most, find internships in that area so you can start making your own contacts. Read job descriptions available on career sites and identify ways to gain the experiences required by job openings.
3. Conversation with professionals
Searching Google can be very efficient, but there is nothing as enlightening as talking to professionals who live the work routine that interests you. Perhaps they can offer you valuable tips on the best and worst fields, salaries and needs to fill vacancies. In addition, this is a great way to start your network of professional contacts.
4. Build a good resume
Once you know what skills are expected of a professional in your area of interest, start investing in courses that can help you achieve the desired position. Go for specializations and practical courses, get in touch with specialized schools in the area in which you want to work. All of this can help you build a curriculum rich in academic experiences. It does not neglect internships, as practical experience is also considered important.
5. Put the plans into action
You already know exactly what you have to do to achieve your dreams. So stop waiting and go ahead. Put your plan into practice in the best possible way. Get in touch with your friends and teachers, send resumes and schedule interviews. You can only enter the job market if you are in contact with that environment.