Corona virus is quickly spreading like wildfire in a dry bush, and now it is just a matter of time when it knocks on the doors of your immune system.
With no apparent cure or treatment, you have to bet on a strong immune systme.
But how do we prepare our bodies in fight against COVID-19.
Here are 7 important tips to observe.
1.Sleep on Time
Sleep for atleast 8 hours to allow your body to have enough rest and re-energize.
Sleep early and wake up early before sunrise.
Develop a sleeping habit of around 10pm to 5am
2.Drink enough water
Take in more than two litres every day. This helps in digestion and metabolism.
Liquids in your tissue help in movement of white blood cells needed in the fight against COVID-19
Water also is a good solvent and removes toxins as well as keep your skin moisture in good condition
3.Regular Exercise
Good exercise keeps your body in good shape and healthy ready to fight in disease.
It improves metabolism and removes stress and excess body fat
Choose a suitable routine exercise in lockdown so as not to expose yourself to the virus.
Also take note there are couple of you tube exercises you can do from indoors
4.Drink lemon, ginger and honey hot water
This particular concoction is not a cure to COVID-19 but is a key boost to your immune system.
Make sure you get a cup of the hot water every end of the day.
Avoid drinking cold drinks
5.Glass of hot milk before bed
Take a hot glass of milk before going to bed. This is key to removing stress from your body.
It also helps you to sleep peacefully
6.Eat veggies and fruits
You have to fall in love with veggies and fruits since they are the building blocks of your immune system.
Avoid all kinds of red meat but rather have white meat such as chicken and fish which has not been deep fried
7.Mind your eating habits
A nice meal is one that is balanced an contains all the nutrients your body needs.
Do not overlook or over eat a particular food.