Remember in a soccer match, the referee is always outside the field because the person outside has a better view. Appreciate to show your affection while giving your attention and affirming your commitment as you pray and seek mentorship.
Love is born from friendship and the journey continues to relationship, from relationship to marriage and from marriage to fulfill God’s purpose as one flesh. These are some of the things that sustains a relationship/marriage and If you have been blessed please share with your friends.
1) Appreciation –
always show your partner appreciation. There is no point in giving flowers to them when they are dead or only on special occasions. Every now and then appreciate them and you don’t have to be rich to show appreciation because even a text or romantic letter costs less but still showing that you care
2) Affection –
always show your partner affection. Do not let them guess whether if you love them or not. Touch their heart and not only the lust of the physical body.
3) Attention –
If you don’t give your partner attention they will get it from somewhere else. This is more of a psychological game, many people do not plan to fall for someone but as they start to get what you are not giving, subconsciously they will start to enjoy it.
4) Affirmation –
you should always recognize your partner and affirm of your love for them. Single them out among others and make them feel blessed to be loved by you. Text them, call them with a love name and always say sweet things for them
5) Commitment
Love is more than just a feeling and you have to fight to stay committed because one day you may wake up feeling low and demotivated to show love to your partner. Some women when they are on their periods they tend to forget their commitment. The more you commit to that person, is the more you will tend to love them more.
6) Prayer
Remember it is God who initiated romantic love when He created Eve for Adam. It’s only Him who can bond the two to become one. Communicate with Him and let Him be your guide. Remember a couple that prays together, stays together.
7) Mentorship
Every journey needs guidance and someone who has walked it before. Sometimes it takes a third person to settle an argument or misunderstanding between two people.