It cannot be that you want a shiny, silky and dense hair yet you are going to the hairdresser once a year
So, then, I tell you 9 things that your hairdresser will not tell you the next time you visit the salon.
1. To get a nice hair, you must work it.
Because unless the genetics has been very generous with you and you have good hair from birth, you need to take care of it.
2. Do not kid yourself! The celebrities you envy, have the same hair as you .
Unlike you, they have a team of stylists dedicated exclusively to caring for their hair, wigs, extensions, high-end products, etc.
Unless you want to be a celebrity or hire the expensive services of a team of stylists, get satisfied with what you have (and take care of it)
3. Do you dream of getting out of the shower with perfect hair?
There are very few people on this planet who happen to them (and they do not even know how lucky they are).
Although we cannot change our genetics, we can make a haircut that goes with our hair type, use the right shampoo and products for us .
4. Do not pretend to have a fancy hair using a 1 salon shampoo!
Because miracles are asked of God, not cosmetics.
When you go to the hairdresser, if you notice, they use a myriad of products to tame your hair and they are not precise from pantene (although in the ads they describe it as the panacea).
Ask your hairdresser which ones are best for you, and you spent the money!
5. If you misapply the products, it does not matter if you use the best of the best.
You bought this mask that cost a fortune yet it leaves your hair matted
Have you thought that maybe you are using it badly? Ask your stylist
6. Do not ask for impossible things for your hair
100000 times I have seen people at the hairdresser with a picture of the model or singer of the moment, asking the poor hairdresser who wants exactly that .
Keep it real! Because something you like, it does not mean that it will fit you or that your hair will accept it.
Be advised by your stylist always, she has more experience.
7. Long hair requires (a lot) more effort
So if it is what you want, prepare to suffer (much more washing time, mask, products after washing, never leave it moist .)
8. Your hair is continuously changing
Well, because life is hard, and just as our body undergoes changes over time, with hair it happens exactly the same.
Hormonal changes, diet, age and endless things that make your hair does not remain constant throughout his life.
Examine it daily and before the doubt: hairdresser of my soul, help me!
9. If you are not happy, your hairdresser will not be happy either
Every time someone leaves a hairdressing salon, she ends up getting angry with her hair and cursing his hairdresser, “my hair is very short”; “This color was not the one I wanted”; “I have been too crushed” .
The first thing: your hairdresser is not a fortune-teller, if you do not even have it clear, imagine her.
The second: for the professional who is treating your hair is a personal and professional satisfaction that a client leaves happy. Do not think she wants to mess with your hair.
So my advice is: Think before acting and explain yourself well. If you understand, the result will be a success.