The man, only identified as Yuan from the city of Changsha in Hunan province, had for some reason been dating all the women at the same time, according to South China Morning Post.
The drama started when doctors contacted his loved ones after the accident. This is when they started streaming in the hospital to visit ‘their’ boyfriend.
“I was really worried when I heard that he was in hospital,” Xiao Li, who has appaarentlly been seeing Yuan for 18 months, told local paper Xiaoxiang Chen Bao.
“But when I started seeing more and more beautiful girls show up, I couldn’t cry any more.” she said adding that other women had given Yuan financial support while another woman claimed that she was planning a wedding with him.
It is also reported that Yuan had a child with one of the 17 girlfriends.
In China, there are more men than women to the ratio of 2:1 with reports suggesting that by 2020, there will be 24 million more men than women in China.