In this world of digital error, fake news have become so common, competing for the same space with the news we should really listen and pay attention to.
Unfortunately, many unsuspecting young Kenyans have fallen preys to these kind of news in our daily life setting.
We look at some of the 9 tips that should help you dismiss that link the moment it runs on your screen.
1.Who has written the news: Do you have an author? What else have you written?
2. What sources has the author of the news used? Are there fonts? Are real?
3. When was it published and when did it occur?
4. Are you asked to spread the news with your contacts?
5. The headline and the text have an exaggerated language.
6. The text is poorly worded.
7. It is supported with retouched or stock photographs.
8. Sometimes they have videos out of context or fiction.
9. They are published in few media, and unreliable.