Growing up as a kid was never fun is you never went to those kind of street football.
Being boys, football was like another menu or recipe for development.
Alias child soccer, it is simple though complicated when it came to rules and regulations, small kids looked like they never knew about them, when indeed had their own by-laws to follow
Below are some of the hilarious rules boys had to follow during football matches
- The fattest kid was always in goal.
- The person whose ball it is decides who plays.
- Penalties are only awarded if there is a broken leg.
- The match only ends when the person whose ball it is has to go in for their dinner.
- Even if your team is winning 29-0 the winner is always determined by the last goal scorer
- No referee.
- Players had to cut off their long nails before playing
- Those with ‘teethed’ shoes or football boots were never allowed to play with them
- Owner of the ball acted also as central referee and play maker
- Football could be played for more than 10 hours with a crazy team of even 50-aside