The committee which had been formed to find a woman for the newly elected Mumias East MP Peter Salasya have said that no woman passed the test due to ‘failed’ virginity test!

Matungu MP, Peter Nabulindo who served as committee chairman, said that most ladies who submitted their applications failed due to non of them being a virgin.
Earlier before, a committee had been formed to find a woman for the ‘hot’ MP.
Committee had been formed to find a suitable wife
Kakamega Woman Rep Elsie Muhanda jokingly announced that she will form a wife-search committe that will ensure that the new MP in Parliament got a deserving wife.
She added that the MP in question, Peter Salasya must get a woman from the local tribe as opposed to the city girls.
Sentiments that were warmly received by Mumia East MP Peter Salasya as he announced on his social media handles