“I have been working in a local hospital as an Accountant for about 3 years. When i first joined the company, i was offered a Ksh 40,000 starting salary and promised that it will be reviewed in a year once my performance was up to par.

On several occasions, i was awarded as “the employee of the month ” thanks to my commendable performance. Even with these achievements, i was still not able to convince the management to award me a salary raise.
Over a month ago, i was transferred to a different branch and assigned more duties and responsibilities. Though i expected to be promoted, i retained the same title. No sooner had i joined the new department than everyone else in the previous one got a salary raise. This was shockingly unexpected.
When i confronted the HR Manager about it, he told me that there was nothing wrong with my pay scale and added that my salary was already high enough. To add insults to injury, i found out that i was the least paid in the new section.
This prompted me to ask my immediate supervisor if there was anything wrong with my work but dismissed me saying that he is very happy with my performance.
I have been doing a very good job since i joined the company and i don’t understand where this incident is coming from. I am now fully convinced that this is a malicious scheme to force me out of the company. Of late, i have lost my motivation to work and I don’t know how to get it back.
I have thought about discussing the issue with my boss but i am afraid that he will find a reason to fire me. What should I do? Is it a good idea to talk to my boss about this situation in detail? Please help”
What advice would you give Anita?