Being pregnant is the golden wish of every girl or woman when it happens at the right moment.
Similarly, nothing makes a man feel himself and more proud than seeing his woman carrying his own baby when the baby making time comes.
However, not all of us are able to tell the some key facts we know about pregnancy.
We found some awesome facts you need to know about Pregnancy
- Babies in the womb often cry
- The sex of the baby is determined by the father and not the mother
- Therefore the sex of the baby is determined by the sperm that carries the 23 chromosomes where the sex is determined by either X or Y chromosome
- Some studies have shown that babies can taste what the mother is eating
- The last organ to develop in a baby is the lungs
- Human eggs are of the same size with Mice, Rabbits, Gorillas and Dogs
- Unborn babies can see, hear and feel
- After three months, a fetus develops finger prints
- The smallest cell in humans is the sperm cell while the largest is the ovum or the egg cell
- From the second trimester, babies poo and drink it while in uterus
- Meconium is the firs poo a baby makes at around 21 weeks, but it never gets to pass out until it is born
- After birth, contraction of female bodies don’t stop so as to help in preventing loss of blood
- Woman’s urine which is sterile serves as the amniotic fluid that helps the baby float and swim in the womb
- A womb can expand to over 500 times during pregnancy