“What is your biggest weakness” is one of the many interview questions most job seekers would rather not have to deal with. Why? Because here you are trying to impress the interviewer by showcasing your skills and qualifications for the job, then this question pops up. What do you do?
Does it mean that if you give a bad response you will lose out on the job? Why is the interviewer asking this question? Simple. According to Pamela Skillings, an interview Coach at the big interview, the interviewer wants to find out how honest you can be, whether you are aware of your weaknesses and what steps you are taking to improve them.
If you have ever come across this question, it probably scared you off. But below are 3 smart strategies you can apply when responding to such a question and ensure that you do not ruin your chances of getting the job.
1. Be Honest When Answering This Interview Question
Since you don’t want to lose out on the opportunity, you may be tempted to be dishonest about your answer. According to Ms Skillings, it is very easy for an interviewer to spot a lie considering the number of people he or she interviews every day. In short, no interviewer wants to hear about your perfectionism and how it has been a challenge to your working. Truth is, he or she has had a million stories of that. Furthermore, it is going to make you sound fictitious. You can read on Red Flags To Look Out For in a job interview here
For instance, if you are having a problem prioritizing your work, you could explain how you overcome it in the sample answer below.
“My biggest weakness is the ability to prioritize. I have had problems in the past with taking on too many projects and not being able to meet the deadline. However, I have taught myself to cut back on some of the less important projects so as to focus on the most important ones. With the help of my supervisor, I came up with a delivery schedule which has helped me focus on the quality of my reports before submitting them.”
2. Give A Response Related To The Job You Are Interviewing For
Once again, every interviewer expects a response that directly impacts the position you are applying for. Stay clear from personal experience weaknesses which may not add value to the interview. Instead, focus on an area that is directly related to the position you are applying for.
Pick an area in your professional life than needs improvement and describe how you are working to improve the situation. Also, it is important to be tactical in your response. For instance, if you are applying for Accountant Job, don’t talk about how you hate calculations or if you are in sales, don’t talk about how you are not persistent.
Bottom line, if you feel that your response is going to have a negative impact on your chances for the position you are applying for, then you are better off not saying it at all. Learn more on how to pass your next job interview here
3. Always Refer To The Job Description
In an interview, it is always imperative to conduct a thorough research beforehand so as to know how to craft your response. What kind of job are you interviewing for and which are the most important skills the interviewer is keen on? Having this information at your finger tips can help you tailor your responses well as you can use it to your advantage.
For Instance, if the job description mentioned that they are looking for someone who is great at teamwork, you can give out this response; “My greatest weakness is that I tend to confine myself a lot whenever I am working on a project alone. For this reason, I enjoy and perform my best as a team as opposed to being alone.”
In any case, your main aim is to present a real weakness which will not ruin your chances of getting the job. All the best in your next interview