Dennis Itumbi, a friend to Jacky Maribe, has announced that the Citizen TV anchor and murder suspect will be welcoming her second born child.

Maribe who looks heavily pregnant and ready to deliver any time, will be having a baby shower at Cahoots Pub along Kindaruma Road on June 22.
Maribe’s first pregnancy was reported back in October 2018, a month after Monica Kimani had been found dead.
Does the child belong to her key murder suspect boyfriend Jowie Irungu or Dennis Itumbi her ex boyfriend?
Well, the fact is Maribe and Jowie separated 11 months ago, after they were arrested and one Jowie denied bail.

Now it makes it impossible for Jowie to be the father of the unborn and increases the chances of Itumbi being the dad since a kid can only be carried in the mother’s womb for 9 months.
Maribe’s first born, Zuri was sired with ex boyfriend Erick Omondi.