The Kenya National Commission on Human Rights (KNCHR) is a constitutional body established under Article 59 of the Constitution of Kenya and Section 3 of the Kenya National Commission on Human Rights Act No 14 of 2011 (revised) 2012.
It has the core mandate to develop a culture of Human Rights through the promotion and protection of rights and fundamental freedoms in the Republic of Kenya.
KNCHR is mandated to monitor state and non-state actors to ensure that they comply with both national and international laws and policies as well as human rights standards in all their undertakings.
KNCHR further reviews legislation and policies to ensure compliance with the Constitution and international human rights standards and principles. In addition, KNCHR has the mandate to give advisories to the Kenyan government on issues of human rights.
In line with its mandate of monitoring compliance to human rights standards and principles in the 2022 electioneering period, the Commission with the support from Development Partners is recruiting 160 human rights monitors in the following identified counties;

How to Apply
The position attracts a monthly allowance of Kenya Shillings 35,000/= that shall cover the
monitor’s transport needs, meals and communication.
If you possess or meet the above qualifications, send your application letter together with a detailed CV, names and telephone contacts of three referees, indicating your county of choice to reach us by 24th January 2022 through email address [email protected].
The cover letter should be addressed as follows;
The Commission Secretary
Kenya National Commission on Human Rights
Lenana Road, CVS Plaza, 1st Floor