If we ask, what is quaternary ammonium? Only people with chemical knowledge will know to answer. But it is a chemical compound that is very present in our daily lives, even if we ignore it. And it is part of its antiseptic properties of many hygienic products and disinfectants, from toothpaste to solutions for lenses. Although it should be specified that not all brands contain it.
Now, new research by the University of Davis, California, has revealed that this compound (also known as QUACS) affects the mitochondria, which supply the energy needed for cellular function, inhibiting that ability. And not only that, it has also been proven to block the action of estrogen, an essentially female sex hormone.
Previous studies have already revealed that the use of these compounds could lead to sterility problems in mice. But how can they affect the health of the human being? At the moment there is no concrete answer, since this study has been done only on cells, and the next step will be to replicate it using animal guinea pigs. But the results are a wake-up call powerful enough to further investigate how this substance present in numerous disinfectant products can affect our cells.