In June 2019, it was revealed that Sharon Mathius and Melon Lutenyo were identical twins born to Ms Rosemary Khaveleli Onyango from Kakamega county while Mevis Imbaya was neither a relative of the two but a daughter to Mrs Angelina Omina and Mr Wilson Lutah Maruti from Nairobi county.

Even though the triplet puzzle was solved by Lancet Kenya, it has created two more problems for the two families and the three girls.
For Sharon, Melon and Mevis, they already vowed to stay together and are now in Kakamega county with Ms. Rosemary, but for Mrs. Omima, her biological daughter Mevis is not ready to move away from the trio.
For instance, there was drama when Ms. Omima went to Likuyani sub-county to claim her daughter in accompany of the police.
A relative to the twins, Mr.Shem Abuti was roughed up by the police when he stopped the handing over process, saying that the girls had settled to remain together.
“The girls have expressed the wish to continue staying together after the release of the DNA results but we read mischief in the decision by the mother of Imbaya to forcefully take away her daughter,” said Mr Abuti.
Many think that the drama has been solved yet it has only created more problems for the three girls
“This matter was settled after the DNA results were released and cleared showed who were the parents of the identical twins and the other girls,” said Kakamega County Police Commander Mr Bernard Muli
With this in mind, the first problem the two families and the three girls need to solve is how they will settle down without offending either of their mothers
The second mystery, which is now under the mandate of police, is how Sharon was handed to Mr.Omina while her biological daughter handed over to Ms. Rosemary during their delivery 19 years ago in Kakamega Referral Hospital.
Was this a clinical error, carelessness at work or was there any other malicious motive during the switching of the twins?
It is upto the police to follow up the matter and make it clear for the public.